Certified Wild Caught

Welcome Mushroom fans!

We, just like you, love mushrooms.

But not just your run-of-the-mill mushrooms that you can find in any grocery store; we love wild mushrooms! And by "Love," we're not just talking about eating them (yes, wild mushrooms are delicious!), we're also talking about hunting them. On our forages through woods and parks we find all sorts of fungi - edible and inedible - these could be poisonous, toxic or just not very tasty. The mushrooms we find are often very beautiful and sometimes even strange.

Exploring this world connects us to nature - you have to be in the woods to find something. But not everyone likes the woods in the summer - Mainly because of bugs, poison ivy, the possibility of getting lost, briars, brambles... and that's why we are bringing some of our wild caught spoils into the public, purchasable in our store here. These mushrooms were all collected in Ontario, cleaned, dried, and thouroughly inspected for debris and insects. So if you would like to start exploring the tastes of wild caught mushrooms, please feel free to explore our website for information and buy some dried wild mushrooms. We also share some recipes, some tried and true, others unexplored.

In 2024 you can meet us at the following Farmer's Markets: Gravenhurst Farmer's Market on Wednesdays (selective dates), Thornton Farmer's Market on Fridays (selective dates), and Georgina Farmer's Market on Sundays (also selective dates).

Have fun and don't hesitate to drop us a line if you have any information we have missed, have a question or a comment.